Tom Brady is back Everything you need to know about his return from suspension

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is back. Finally, Deflategate is over. And perhaps most importantly, Brady's official revenge tour around the NFL is set to begin Sunday. For the first time since the preseason, the will be led by arguably the greatest quarterback of all time. For the first time since January 2015, Deflategate isn't a story. And for the first time since Austen Williams Jersey ... well, last season, Brady will embark upon yet another to the NFL campaign, as my colleague John Breech so eloquently put it the other day. That's a lot to proce s. So, here is everything you need to know about Brady's return.1. Deflategate Since Deflategate is actually over -- this time it actually is -- let's spend a moment to remember the scandal that just would not die. Seriously, Deflategate was one improbable revival away from being cast in the next season of . Don't worry, this will be the Cliff Notes version, because Deflategate is on top of my "stories I never want to write about again" list, slotting in just above and . The scandal began in January 2015, when news broke that the Patriots used under-inflated footballs during their 45-7 victory against the in the AFC Championship Game. Accusations were made, the Patriots -- including Brady -- denied those accusations, and the NFL hired Ted Wells to investigate the claims. PSI levels were debated. Bill Belichick basically . Bill Nye even . Two weeks later, the Patriots won their fourth Super Bowl under the guidance of Belichick and Brady. But the scandal still loomed. Finally, after a 103-day investigation, Wells released his report in May. . The main : For the reasons described in this Report, and after a comprehensive investigation, we have concluded that, in connection with the AFC Championship Game, it is more probable than not that New England Patriots personnel participated in violations of the Playing Rules and were involved in a deliberate effort to circumvent the rules. Brady was hit with a four-game suspension, and the Patriots were docked a first-round and fourth-round draft pick, and $1 million. Patriots owner Robert Kraft reluctantly , but Brady didn't. And so, Part II began: The appeal phase, which lasted until this offseason. While all of that was happening, Brady threw for 36 touchdowns and only seven picks, but the Patriots fell short in the AFC Championship Game. Back to the appeals: Brady won his first court appeal and was allowed to play during the season. But the NFL appealed Brady's appeal and won. Brady responded by appealing the NFL's appeal of his appeal. He lost. Instead of trying to take the case to Joaquin Benoit Jersey the Supreme Court, . And that's why he has been absent since the beginning of the season.2. Since you've been gone Surprise, surprise. Even without Brady, Belichick managed to guide his team to a 3-1 record, which means now is a perfect time to remind everyone, again: . In the Patriots' season opener, they took out the in Arizona. started that game and wound up posting a 106.1 pa ser rating in his first-ever NFL start. The final score? 23-21. Garoppolo kept the magic going in the second game of the season, Erick Fedde Jersey against the . But disaster struck before halftime, when Garoppolo sprained the AC joint in his throwing shoulder. He did not take another snap, but the Patriots hung on to beat the Dolphins, 31-24. So, enter rookie , who faced a tough team in his first career start. He wasn't really needed; the Patriots defense pitched a shutout. Bri sett mostly managed the game and scored with his legs to provide the Patriots with enough offense. They won, 27-0. But Bri sett also suffered a thumb injury doing that game. So, the Patriots were out of quarterbacks heading into their Week 4 contest against the . The idea of using was even floated. Rex Ryan desperately wanted to know what was going to happen. So, he posed as a reporter.New media member "Walt Patulski from the Buffalo News" jumps in with a hard-hitting question for Julian Edelman. Buffalo Bills (@buffalobills) That didn't work, but Bri sett ended up getting the start and the Patriots completely flopped at home, losing 16-0 -- . Ben Affleck . We had to break the news of the Patriots' lo s to Ben Affleck yesterday. SI Extra Mustard (@SI_ExtraMustard) Still, there's no way anyone can look at the Patriots' four-week stretch sans Brady and say it wasn't a succe s. This was an unmitigated succe s. The Patriots are 3-1 and are leading the AFC East, all without Brady. In other words, it's just Belichick doing Belichickian things, again.3. Meanwhile, on Brady's day off ... Here's how Brady spent his rare free time: , like every other football fan. Finally, he moved off his couch to serve as Michigan's honorary captain and play catch with Jim Harbaugh.You see this?It's Tom Brady and playing a little catch.Watch FieldPa s >> Michigan On BTN (@MichiganOnBTN) He also played catch with his wife, Gisele Bundchen.A photo posted by Gisele Bndchen (@gisele) on Sep 10, 2016 at 10:11am PDT They then :A photo posted by Ristorante Aurora - Capri (@auroracapri) on Sep 23, 2016 at 4:38pm PDTA Kyle McGowin Jersey photo posted by Gisele Bndchen (@gisele) on Sep 25, 2016 at 6:21am PDT Last weekend, of what appeared to be Brady throwing at a high school. So, he was also getting ready.4. When will we hear from him? Unfortunately, we won't be able to confirm if that's actually him in the grainy videos, because the quarterback probably won't speak with the media until after Sunday's game. But hey, at least we get Gronk and can maybe get some answers about his ailing hamstring. Gio Gonzalez Jersey Media note: Present plan is for Patriots TE Rob Gronkowski to take the place of the traditional QB news conference on Wednesday (11:45 a.m.) Mike Rei s (@MikeRei s) Brady did, however, speak with with Jim Gray on Westwood One's "Monday Night Football" pregame show. Here's what he said, according to "It was great to be back in the building," Brady said on an interview with Jim Gray on Westwood One's Monday Night Football pregame show. "It was certainly great to be back to work. It's been a long four weeks for me, but I'm excited to get started on my preparation for Cleveland. I'm anxious for the week ahead. I want to get back on the practice field. It's what I love to do, and now I have an opportunity to do it." And while Brady did his best to avoid commenting on Deflategate, Gray coaxed a little fire out of the three-time Super Bowl MVP when the interviewer asked if the whole affair put the type of chip on the quarterback's shoulder that began with being pa sed over by so many teams in the 2000 NFL draft. "Well, Jim, you want to reflect a lot tonight," Brady said. "Jim, I was motivated 17 years ago (when he was drafted 199th overall) and I'm motivated today. So, I'm motivated to win for my teammates. I'm motivated to go out there and represent our city well. None of that's changed." Translation: I'm going to wreck this league, Michael A. Taylor Jersey again.5. What are his coaches, teammates saying? This is the Patriots, so we aren't going to learn much by listening to Brady's teammates and coaches talk about his arrival. The most anyone said was offensive coordinator Josh McDaniels concluding that Brady The best quote, though, belonged to receiver .Matthew Slater (re: Tom Brady return): "We're excited to have Thomas back, but our responsibility and our jobs are still the same." Mike Rei s (@MikeRei s) That's not Tom Brady. That's Brady.6. His first test In his first game back, Brady will have the luxury of going up against the winle s , who will most likely serve as the perfect warmup foe for him. After all, the Browns are the Browns. Except, as ESPN's Adam Schefter pointed out, the Patriots haven't always played well against the Browns.Browns and Patriots have played twice in past five years - it has not gone as you'd think, per ESPN stats & info. Adam Schefter (@AdamSchefter) Brady's numbers against the Browns in six career games? A 59.42 completion percentage, 1,541 yards, eight touchdowns, four interceptions, and an 87.4 pa ser rating. That's all fine and well, but it doesn't change this fact: the Browns stink. They're ranked in the bottom half of the league in terms of points and yards allowed, and 25th in defensive DVOA. Brady might be rusty and the game might be on the road, but he's still Tom Brady. Complicating matters is the status of Gronkowski, who has been dealing with a lingering hamstring i sue. Though he has Bryce Harper Jersey played in the past two games, he has been targeted only three times, catching one pa s for 11 yards. So no, Gronk does not look like Gronk. Perhaps, though, the Patriots were easing Gronk into action with Bri sett as his quarterback. Maybe, now that Brady is back, Gronk will be back in full force, too. That's something to monitor on Sunday, because if Gronk is still limited, then it might be officially time to worry about the league's most dangerous weapon. Regardle s, it's time to sit back and enjoy the return of the league's best quarterback (and hope that your favorite team doesn't stand between him and the Lombardi Trophy, because you know he's gunning for it). You can catch the game on CBS at 1 p.m. ET Sunday.
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